Articles & Videos2018-12-20T10:59:11+08:00

Articles & Videos

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Subacromial Bursistis or Impingement

SUBACROMIAL BURSISTIS OR IMPINGEMENT Sub-aromial impingment is the most common cause of shoulder pain and physiotherapy treatment can greatly assist recovery and is often essential to prevent recurrence. Contact us at Beaumaris Physiotherapy for further information, an assessment or treatment. We [...]

Injuries in Children

INJURIES IN CHILDREN Children have developing and growing bodies and abnormal forces applied to their tissues often result in different injuries than those seen when similar forces are applied to the adult body. Below are some examples of how injuries [...]

Lumbar Disc Injury

LUMBAR DISC INJURY Research suggests that up to 80% of acute low back pain is a result of injury to the lumbar discs and physiotherapy treatment has been shown to be effective in the management of lumbar disc injuries. It is [...]

Scaphoid & Hamate Fracture

SCAPHOID & HAMATE FRACTURE Scaphoid fractures most commonly occur as a result of a fall onto an outstretched hand. These fractures notoriously heal poorly and require quite significant immobilisation and rehabilitation following removal of the plaster cast. The Hook of Hamate [...]

Lumbar Spondylolisthesis

LUMBAR SPONDYLOLISTHESIS Physiotherapy treatment can significantly improve symptoms and function in patients who have a lumbar spondylolisthesis. Contact us at Beaumaris Physiotherapy for further information, an assessment or treatment. We also offer ONLINE BOOKINGS. PRESENTATION Spondylolisthesis is a [...]

Spinal Stenosis

SPINAL STENOSIS Stenosis is characterized by leg pain or symptoms of neurological or vascular compromise in one or both legs related to prolonged standing and/or walking. Symptoms are usually relieved quite quickly when the patient sits down. Contact us at Beaumaris [...]

Rotator Cuff Injuries

ROTATOR CUFF INJURIES Rotator Cuff Injuries are quite a common occurrence in both the sporting and the older populations. These injuries can range from a minor local inflammatory reaction to a partial to full thickness tear (single rotator cuff tendon/muscle involvement [...]

Thoracic Inlet Syndrome

THORACIC INLET SYNDROME The thoracic inlet allows unobstructed passage of the neurovascular bundle (nerves, arteries and veins) from the root of the neck to the axilla (from the neck to the arm pit).  Restriction can cause numbness or pins and [...]

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